Trojans360 Articles

College, First Years Trojans360 College, First Years Trojans360

Should Freshmen Live in Sophomore Apartments? Advice From a USC Student Who Tried It

No matter what year you’re in, deciding where to live for the upcoming school year is always a daunting task. Whether it’s deciding to live on or off campus, finding something within your budget, or looking for suitable roommates, there are so many factors to consider in choosing a living situation. But, as incoming freshmen, it can be especially challenging. Before setting foot on campus, first-years have so much to learn, and understanding housing options is one of the first major steps into acclimating to college life.

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Campus Life, First Years Trojans360 Campus Life, First Years Trojans360

Homesick: Time to Make Your USC Home Your New Home

By: Sydney Fiorentino’24

As we are nearing the end of the semester, some of us just want to go home. For me, it has been a constant push for me to finish finals before wanting to jump on a plane. I have not been home since school started, but I have been lucky enough to see my family when they came down to Los Angeles for Thanksgiving. However, I know some of my friends have not gotten the chance to go home yet. While some of us may feel more homesick than others, it is hard to do things when you miss your old room or comfy bed or even family members.

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