How to Avoid Seasonal Depression as a College Student
By: Ani Antonyan ‘24
Leaving your lecture at a quarter to 5 and emerging into darkness might make you think,
Yay, I can go home and take the rest of the day off! Or maybe it’s more like Great, it's 4pm and it's already dark. My day has been wasted.
The majority of the time, it’s probably a combination of both.
Daylight savings contributes to seasonal depression by causing an awkward, scary, confusing, and, in my opinion, unnecessary change to our daily lives. The colder, shorter days exacerbate seasonal sadness, and this is especially harmful for those who are more susceptible to sad, stressed, and depressed feelings to begin with. While it seems unavoidable as you feel the darkness of campus close in around you while also worrying about things like registration and finals, there are ways to help yourself.. If you’re feeling extra tired, unmotivated, and sad as the winter progresses, you’re not alone. This is a stressful season that makes it hard for you to prioritize your wellbeing. Here are some tips on how we can combat seasonal depression.
Nourish your body
Winter time means less sunshine. Decreased daylight hours and increased time indoors lowers our exposure to the sun, causing our vitamin D levels to decrease. Consider taking a vitamin D supplement to make up for the loss. To really go above and beyond, try waking up earlier to maximize the many sunny days we do get here in LA!
Focus on nourishing your body through foods that make you feel good as well. Drinking enough water is also important. . It’s hard to be consistent with meals and snacks when all you want to do is lie in bed, but the effort will make all the difference. Further nurture your body by working out – outdoors or indoors – to get that endorphin rush.
Do at least one thing a day that makes you happy
This happiness-inducing activity will give you a boost of energy on these draining, dark days and can be a reward for yourself after studying for finals!
Your happy activity of the day can range from cooking your favorite meal, painting in the grass by Doheny Library, working out, watching a few episodes of your favorite TV shows, or anything else that brings you a bit of joy.Try diversifying your “activity of the day'' every day. This will help you get excited for what’s ahead and might eventually lead to finding a hobby you love or learning something new about yourself!
One of those activities could involve giving back, since it is the holiday season. There are tons of volunteer activities available that range from working with animals to sorting items at the food bank to reading to kids at library storytimes. Sometimes, when you are feeling down, helping another person makes you feel good and full.
Avoid isolation
Cold weather and dark skies sounds like the perfect recipe for blocking out the world and staying in your bed all day, but don’t give in! While cozy time inside is definitely good in moderation, if you find yourself isolated more often than not, it is important to quit the bed and get outside. Make sure you are prioritizing a good balance of “me time” with socializing with the people you love.
Lean into the cozy season
At the end of the day, it’s finally winter. This is the time of the year to slow down, unwind, and slowly prepare for the new year. Of course, this will be much easier to implement after finals, but allow yourself to enjoy this season! Take advantage and enjoy every holiday drink, watch any and every movie you desire, and spend your time happily and thankfully with your loved ones.
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