Trojans360 Articles

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Applying For Internships With No Career Plans? I Got You.

By: Alexandria Frank ‘21

I am a Psychology major with minors in Journalism and Classical Civilization and an interest in Screenwriting. That is, to say, I don’t really know what I want to be when I grow up. I just have a lot of interests and no specific drive or pull to any specific one. And I know that can be common to a lot of undergraduate students. Therefore, when it comes to looking at internships, which are supposed to help you gain experience for your future career, it can be challenging to figure out where to apply and how to narrow your search. And let’s face it, sometimes you can’t afford to just not work during the summer until you figure your life out. Luckily, I’ve gotten a little experience in this realm during my last two years and would love to share some tips about applying to internships when you don’t know what you want to do with your life.

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How to Write a Resume When You Feel Like You Haven’t Done Anything

By: Jordan Bucknor ‘22

Applying for jobs, going to interviews, and especially writing resumes are almost always stressful, but what can make it even more so is the feeling that you have nothing to talk about or show for your work. Maybe you have not gotten a job yet? Maybe the ones you have gotten do not relate to the one you are applying for? If you find yourself feeling like you have absolutely nothing to put on your resume, maybe this post will give you a few ideas!

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6 Things to Consider When Declaring a Minor

By: Alexis M Peters ‘20

It’s my junior year at USC, and I have decided to declare a minor. You can do it too! Sometimes it feels like it’s way too late to change your mind. It feels like it’s way too late to try something new or discover a new passion. I know that feeling. I thought I was too old to wander into new academic territory; after all, I’m a junior, and I’m adding a completely new minor to my academic plan. Maybe there’s a minor you’ve been eyeing or a double major you’re considering, but you wonder if it’s too late, or too much work, or too difficult. First of all, I would recommend that everyone should look into a minor, just because there are so many cool things to study, especially at USC, and your college years are the perfect opportunity to explore your passions and interests. Second, if you are considering adding a minor, there are six things you should take into account:

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Interview Tips for Anxious People

By: Jordan Bucknor ‘22

For people who are socially anxious, even day-to-day conversations can be a bit taxing, so professional interviews are far from easy. Whether you struggle maintaining eye contact, controlling your fidgeting hands, or stumbling over your words, there are ways to improve your chances of scoring that dream job. From one socially awkward over-thinker to another, here’s how to ace your interview:

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How to Make Money as a College Student

By: Natalie Oganesyan ‘22

As we all know, college is expensive. Extremely and unnecessarily so (but that’s a topic for another blog post). If you’re anything like me, the enormous cost of college, basic necessities, and also extra fun expenditures are always on your mind. Stressing out over money, budgeting, and if you can afford certain things is not only detrimental mentally, but it’s also distracting from studies and extracurricular activities. I wanted to provide a conclusive list of ways to make money that are feasible and accessible for college students, regardless of their year or experience. Contrary to popular belief, there are plenty of ways to make money as a college student. You just have to look for them! Hopefully, this post can help ease some worries and give you a look into how simple it can be to get that bread and secure the bag($).

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I Went to the Career Center for the First Time

By: Alexis M Peters ‘20

Before this week, I had never been to a career fair, I had never visited the career center, and I wasn’t doing internships that were even remotely related to my major or career interests. Oh. And I’m a first-semester junior. Watching my friends look for internships and jobs to boost their resume made me happy for them, but also a little scared for myself. Was I behind? Did I need to be networking my butt off in the way all my friends were?

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Adventures in Aerospace: Viterbi Screening of “First Man” and Chat with Astronauts

By: Awo Jama ‘22

On October 5th, USC students were granted a rare opportunity when they had the chance to not only attend an early screening of the film First Man, but to witness a discussion panel featuring several notable figures in the aerospace field. The event was produced by both the Viterbi School of Engineering and USC’s Arts and Humanities initiative, Visions and Voices.

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LinkedIn Tips and Tricks

By: Danielle Collins ‘20

Network! Connect! Search! Getting started on LinkedIn can seem daunting, but once you get the hang of it, it’s very manageable. I recently set up my LinkedIn account and have been slowly adding to it. I’ve met with a career advisor, and gotten advice from friends and people who work in my field about how to best use LinkedIn. I’m by no means an expert, but I thought I’d share some of the helpful tips I’ve learned so far! I’ll walk you through some tricks I’ve learned for how to create your LinkedIn profile, how to make connections, how to best use the “Search” feature, and how posting works. Check out whichever section you want to learn more about, or all of them if you’re new to LinkedIn!

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Great Mentors and Where to Find Them

By: Maddie Walsh ‘20

Surrounding yourself with older and wiser mentors as an undergraduate student can lead to important opportunities and connections, but it can be hard to know where to start. Here’s a list of suggestions inspired by people who have helped shape my own USC experience in the last 2 years.

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How do I know if I should change my major?

By: Jamie Wu ‘18

College is a crazy 4 years full of new experiences, new friends and new memories. However, it’s definitely not a smooth ride. It’s a roller coaster filled with ups and downs, nights of laughter and nights of crying. Among the important decisions that can make or break your college experience is deciding what you should major in. And although another one of our bloggers Jonathon talks about it in his video, another big decision is deciding whether you should change your major. I’m going to pose 4 questions for you and hopefully that’ll guide you along the way.

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Where to Find USC Alumni

By: Joy Ofodu ‘18

Maybe it’s because I’m about to become one, but I can think of no better time than the present to pass on the various ways a current (or prospective) USC student can connect with alumni to inform their own career journeys! Alumni connections aren’t just professional - they can be social, personal, based on membership in a certain community or local to your hometown! Here’s where you can find USC Alumni:

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