Trojans360 Articles

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Improve your Personal Brand - for students!

By: Ayman Siraj ‘18

Winter Break is almost upon all of us. At this point, some of us are steaming ahead studying for finals. While for many of us, the thought of getting on the flight back home is enough to keep us from studying efficiently. Whichever boat you maybe on, the festive season brings with it a sense of reinvigoration. How does the college student make for a productive holiday? Here are five suggestions on how you can work on self-branding over the holidays:

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So, what are your post-grad plans?

By: Grace Carballo ‘17

If you find yourself trying to evade this question, though it comes up quite often when you’re a senior, know you’re not alone. It’s not too late to take some steps down the path well-traveled, the career path. The Career Center is chockfull of wonderful resources that can help you wherever you may be in your journey. If I could go back in time I would’ve been a regular in their office starting my freshman year. But hindsight is 20/20, as they say, so all I can do now is soak up all their advice and knowledge and connections before I graduate in May and encourage my brother (class of 2020) to check it out much earlier.

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7 Jobs Every Student Should Consider

By: Anna Lipscomb ‘19

So, you’re back at school and suddenly find yourself spending more money than you actually have… Looks like it’s time to get a job! Whether you have work-study, or are just looking for some extra pocket money, here are seven positions you should take a look at.

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Campus Life, Career Trojans360 Campus Life, Career Trojans360

A Guide To: Annenberg’s Progressive Degrees

By: Judy Lee ‘17

First thing’s first: I’m not pursuing a progressive degree. However, I was very keen on pursuing one throughout my sophomore year and did an extensive amount of research into the prospect at the time. What primarily drove me towards obtaining a progressive degree was a career panic I had concerning receiving a master’s degree. I had been hearing a lot about how having a master’s degree will increase your competitiveness in the market (especially having one at such a young age) as well as boost your starting salary. In light of this, I did more research on possible master’s I could receive from Annenberg only to stumble upon a very tempting opportunity: pursue a master’s parallel to your bachelor’s and graduate with both degrees.

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A Definitive List of ALL of the Internships I’ve Gotten Through USC

By: Kelly Kinas ‘16

Everyone who knows me knows that I’ve had my fair share of internships. How many do you ask? I’ve have 7 internships in my time at USC, starting second semester freshman year and one every summer and every semester following. I know. I’m kinda crazy. I accept that. But I do not like sitting, doing nothing. I like have things to do and those “things” often include me, sitting in traffic to and from an internship 2-3 days a week, each semester.

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Work On It Wednesday: Why Writing the Cover Letter is the Hardest Part

By: Emily Young MA ‘16

I’ve written my fair share of cover letters and yet they can still be challenging. Why? Sure you stressed over making your resume look great to highlight your experiences, but when it comes to selling your self and creating a short narrative all you’ve got on your internal monologue is: “Ummmm, I really need this job—I’d actually be pretty great at it. I’ve already spent forever on this online application and I just really need to get this done.”

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How To Network Smarter

By: Judy Lee ‘17

Networking, love it or not, is undeniably something that will have more and more of a presence in your life. Although a whole other conversation is to be had about the positives versus negatives of it all, here are some tips to network smarter:

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